
Well, I think it's about time to get back into the swing of life. 

We've been boring and lazy for long enough.  Despite nobody actually reading this, I'm going to throw it out there that I'm planning on doing an actual Iron Distance tri.  I will likely shoot for B2B in 2014.  That seems attainable.  Maybe a HIM next year, and then just build for the full.

SK has his Constant Readers, I think I shall refer to you as my NR (non-existant reader).

So, NR, feel free to pop in and check on my progress.

June 21, 2012, 278 pounds, no training in months.  Let's go.


Hmm, 2 posts in almost 3 years.  That seems about right.  Perhaps when I have some free time I'll actually remember this place is here.

In the mean time, off to read The Hobbit to the little guy.  Will be his 2nd time, and not yet 4.  Pretty soon we'll jump to Eyes of the Dragon I think.